Thursday, February 26, 2009

How to test your body fat

I found this neat little gadget that will answer any questions on what percent body fat you have and the recommened body fat for a male is roughly between 10% and 15% and for a female it is between 15% and 20%.

Healthy Workout Plan 1

To start off your week and to compliment the vitamins that i previously informed you about you must cut out certain foods in order to achieve your body goal. Your portion sizes are a big deal when it comes to losing weight (male or female). Your portion size should be on a small plate and include half fruits and vegetables, 25% protein (preferably any type of fish), and the last 25% are your starches and carbohydrates. This will not fill you up at first but you will notice you will be eating about five or six times a day. The fish oil and flax seed oil stated in the previous blog. The key to dropping weight is running/cardio, which will in fact make you create a healthy lifestyle as well by improving your heart and lowering the risk of any cardiovascular diseases. For a woman, you should be doing five days of roughly 45 minutes of cardio. You start to burn fat after 30 minutes. For men, i recommend my current running regiment:
Day 1:run for 30 consecutive minutes, followed by 20 minutes of interval training/sprints Day 2: light run, 2-5 mile run at an easy pace
Day 3: 5 minute warm-up, followed by 20 min of sprints with 1 minute rest in between sets
Day 4: rest day
Day 5: 1 hour of cardio 

Now if your interested in getting a little larger while leaning out, then you obviously should be doing some lifting.  With such a leaning out running routine, its good to compliment the running with a leaning out lifting schedule.  If you insist on supplements such as protein, they should only be done on two days of this work out, which are the "building mass" stage.  The other lifting days are vital as well, and you must keep time down to the second to get the full effect of the work out. 
Day 1: Take half of your max with push-ups, pull-ups, sit-ups, and triangle push-ups and then you do as many sets as your body allows.  The key to today is to keep a 30 second interval in between for rest.
Day 2: Shoulders, Chest, and Back:
Arnold Press 2 x 12
Shoulder Press 2 x 12
Dumbbell fly 2 x 12
Bent-over dumbbell fly 2 x 12 (or reverse Pec-dec machine)
*must do within one minute between each set/work out to gain full effects
Day 3: rest day, only run
Day 4: Back, Biceps, Traps:
Pull-ups  3 x 10
Seated Row 3 x 10
Upright Row 3 x 10
Dumbbell Shrugs 2 x 15
Preacher Curls 3 x 10
*must do within one minute of each set/workout to gain full effects
Day 5: rest day, only run

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Vitamin Recommendations for A Healthly Lifestyle

Everyone who starts working out seems to have the mindset that they must buy supplements in order to achieve their desired physique.  I have experienced multiple supplements such as 17-HD, which is a pro-testosterone, and yes they do work and they do aid in achieving your goal faster.  The problem with this is they are not natural substances that your body produces; this in the long run will harm you even though you have positive short term effects.  Keep in mind, like every supplement, you must take it consistently for it to take the full effect.  This concept applies directly to vitamins as well.  I have been taking vitamins instead of supplements for the past six months.  I have never felt better and I give credit not only to these vitamins but to the complimentary healthy lifestyle that I lead.  Read my next blog for some examples of my workouts. Here is a list of vitamins one can take in order to achieve overall better health:

  • Fish Oil: this vitamin is proven to aid in cardiovascular health and better ones vision and memory, as well as an omega-3 fatty acid
  • Flaxseed Oil: Flaxseed oil is once again another source of omega-3 fatty acids and a good source of lignans, which play a part in the well-being of the body.
  • Glucosamine (preferably with Chondroitin): Glucosamine is a amazing for joint support.  If you are active in any sport, this is will help prevent joint injury.  WARNING: If you are allergic to seafood, i would check with your doctor before you take this because its source is shellfish
  • Any sort of Multivitamin: a multivitamin contains a great deal of vitamins in itself that is advised that we consume these daily